The participants of the meeting were representatives of the education and health systems, the Drug Control Agency, Committees under the Government of Tajikistan (Youth, Sport and Tourism, Women and Family Affairs and Religious Affairs), NGOs, community leaders, as well as teachers and parents from schools where the prevention programme was implemented.
During the meetings arranged a few days earlier in Kulyab, Tursun-zade and Yavan district, the Polish experts collected quantitative information about the programme implementation and presented and discussed results of the evaluation surveys, as well as initiated discussions on the possibility of the programme’s continuation.
The prevention programme was addressed to parents of school children. It consisted of three sessions for parents which were implemented by teachers during parental meetings in school settings.
CADAP 6 represents continuity of the EU policy and long-term engagement with Central Asian partners to help further strengthen their national strategies in drug and drug demand reduction policies. The programme is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Consortium from the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, led by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
For more information, please contact: Ms. Mavjigul Azizulloeva, CADAP 6 National Coordinator, by phone (+992) 98 584 32 70, or e-mail: